2 minutes read | Camiguin | Mindanao

Republic of the Philippines is in South East Asia. There are more than 7000 island in the republic country. The capital is Manila, also known as “Pearl of the Orient”. The Philippines is roughly divided into three regions: first is Luzon where Manila is, second is Visayas where islands of Panay, Negros, Cebu, Bohol, Leyte and Samar sit, and the third and definitely not least is Mindanao island, which is the second largest in the Philippines archipelago.

Rich biodiversity and endemism

Camiguin is located at north of Mindanao. The island is formed by volcanic activity, because of which it is also known as Island born of fire”. Thanks to its volcanic activities, Camiguin has lots to offer, and so beautiful with hot springs, cold soda spring, giant clam sanctuary, sunken cemetery, to name a few. On top of all these, water visibility in Camiguin is superb.

In the recent trip to Camiguin, I had noticed strong and healthily ecosystem thriving in Camiguin. To my experience, birding is best done during dawn and the early morning. In Camiguin, at any time of the day when you are at the back of the motorelle or habal-habal, you can see larwin, and even philippine eagle-hawk in the sky. During the night, you might find one white Burn Owl in your garden. If you tie the shoe lace up and go for a walk, you will see common kingfisher, collard kingfisher perched on the tree branch. and I saw them without binoculars! Those encounter makes your heart to skip a beat for sure. And you will feel how lucky you are to be part of the eco system, that is the Earth.

Kurma Freedive Camiguin Eco Beach Lodge

そしてカミギンにはフリーダイビングショップKurma Eco Beach Lodgeがあります。わたしは90年代から2001年までマクタン島に住んでいました。当時、ドイツ人のManfred F. Langer (God bless his soul) の率いるプロダイビングショップのマクタン店Kon Tiki Diversで店長をしていました。当時、ボホールのあろーなビーチの支店にいた旧友DiggiがKurmaを経営しています。わたしが個人的に、Kurmaをお勧めするのはDiggiがいるです。

わたしはPADI マスターインストラクターで、テクニカルダイビングも従事してきましたが、近年は機材に頼らず自分の体や自然に正面から向き合うフリーダイビングにとても魅力を感じています。

How to get to Kurma Freedive Camiguin Eco Beach Lodge

2.ボホールからフェリー(Super Shuttle Ferry)
3.マニラからカガヤンデオロへ空路で、その後Magnum Vanを利用して陸路で移動(相当フィリピンに慣れた人向けの上級編)



Underwater world around Camiguin

1) Ggenerally good visibility, with range of depth suitable for beginners and advanced divers

2) Mantigue island is a good place for a day trip. Enjoy yourself in the white sand beach.

3) Sunken cemetery and mock dive. are you into small critters and unusual and beautiful scenary?